Birmingham Women’s Hospital
On Libby’s 1st birthday we presented a cheque to Birmingham Women’s Hospital for £35,000.00 this was funding towards a new transport incubator for the region and money towards new infusion pumps.

Libby Mae’s Little Angels sponsor the Intensive Care room at BWH which is the room where Libby was cared for in the first week of her life.

We have provided comfortable chairs for parents and have provided new chairs for the Neonatal clinic – of course in PINK.
We've sponsored a nurse to go back to University to become an ANNP (Advanced Neonatal Nurse Practitioner)
We've sponsoered a nurse to take her Preparation for Mentors course.
We've sponsored several study days for nurses.
We've provided iPads and technology to help keep families connected.

Hereford Hospital
Hereford Hospital were operating on just 2 ventilators, their issue was, what if they had to deliver triplets who all needed help with their breathing, Libby Mae's Little Angels to the rescue! We bought them a brand new ventilator costing £16,500.00.
We renovated parent accommodation rooms making them more comfortable, homely and less clinical.
Heartlands Hospital
Heartlands approached us asking for help with their parent rooms. These rooms are used for parents to stay in when their baby is very poorly, when they’re from out of the area, for consultations with parents and sadly for end of life care.

The rooms were very plain and clinical so Libby Mae’s Little Makeover happened. We provided home comforts, TV’s, new furniture, the rooms were decorated, new flooring, lighting and we even bought some cushions and curtains to make the rooms more homely. We also provided comfortable chairs for parents, we kitted out the parents kitchen and renovated the parents shower room.
We provided a state of the art Baby Leo Incubator
Supplied giraffe soothers to be used in incubators to help settle and comfort babies.
Warwick Hospital
A parent who had a premature baby at Warwick contacted us and advised that there was a shortage of comfortable chairs for parents. We consulted with the unit and they now have 2 brand new recliner chairs.
Good Hope Hospital
Good Hope Hospital needed a new chair for their Breastfeeding room which we provided.
Worcester Royal
All the rooms on the Neonatal Unit at Worcester are colour co-ordinated, we bought them nice, new colourful and comfortable chairs for parents to sit on when visiting their babies and a nice comfy settee for the parents accommodation room.
We've provided iPads and technology to help keep families connected.

We have introduced iPAD technology into units in the West Midlands. These are used by parents and staff to help keep babies and their families connected.
If a baby is born too soon or has complications, in some cases they need to be transferred to another hospital. It may not always be possible for Mom to travel with the baby, but with the iPAD they can still see their baby, talk to Nurses, Doctors, Consultants via Facetime or Skype. Even if Mom can be with her baby it may be that Grandparents live a distance and want to see the baby, again, Facetime and Skype can be used.
Mothers Day & Christmas
We love to see families smile at what is possibly the worst time of their lives. Having a baby in Neonatal Care is very daunting, upsetting, worrying and a heartbreaking time. We have taken gifts to Mom’s on Mother’s Day and to families spending their Christmas on a Neonatal Unit, just to see them smile.