Bromsgrove based charity Libby Maes Little Angels helped spread a whole lot of love and festive cheer by delivering hundreds of presents to Neonatal Units throughout The Midlands. On Friday 21st December founders Charlotte & Rich along with their little boy Riley were joined by Miss Birmingham 2018 Amy Jones and visited City Hospital, Walsall Manor, New Cross in Wolverhampton and Russell’s Hall in Dudley giving a gift bag to every parent and baby on the units. The parents were so grateful and for most babies was their very first visit from Santa.
Saturday 22nd Charlotte, Rich and Riley were joined by Miss West Midlands 2018 Niamh Conway and Libby Maes Auntie and charity Trustee Sarah. Another 4 hospitals were visited with gifts given to every baby and parent at Hood Hope in Sutton Coldfield, Heartlands, Birmingham Women’s and last but not least Worcester Royal. At Worcester babies on Transitional Care and in the delivery rooms were also given treats.
Charlotte said “we’ve received some amazing feedback from parents and staff on the units, it makes is extremely proud seeing the joy we bring, the smiles on parents faces when they’re going through such a worrying time is priceless”.
The charity had several gifts donated and also purchased gifts. A total of 175 gift bags were delivered over the 2 days.
Rich with baby Sheridan at Worcester Royal

Rich with parents at Russell’s Hall
The charity are now busy planning lots of fun events for 2019, to keep up to date please follow them on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram or check out their website