Making New Mommies Smile on Mother's Day
Mother's Day saw Libby Mae's Little Angels take to the roads for a Libby Mae hospital tour. Two groups of Charity members and volunteers visited hospitals to deliver chocolates and cards to Mommies with babies on neonatal Units at Worcester Royal, Heartlands, Birmingham Womens, Russells Hall, City and Walsall Manor Hospitals. The choclolates which were bought from Thorntons in Solihull at a heavily discounted price and cards supplied by Small Prints, Bromsgrove were given out to every Mom on the units and were left at the bedside for any Moms who were not present when we visited. We like to help make the neonatal experience a little better wherever possible and if bringing a smile to the faces of these new Mommies did this, then we feel we have made that difference.

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